How Science Will Continue To Change Medicine

Since the beginning of recorded history, we humans have reached unprecedented progress, especially in the field of science and technology. These two are the pillars of human growth and expansion, without them our world would be unrecognizable from what it is today. Science encompasses a variety of fields which are physics, robotics, chemistry, and biology to name a few. 

The advancement of each field represents unparalleled technological innovation that helps make our lives much easier to live. Gone are the days when we need to hunt to survive. We learn to cultivate the land, domesticate animals, cure diseases and build our dwellings to withstand nature’s unforgiving might. 

Before we delve deep into it, science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. 

Whereas, Technology is a by product of science. Accumulated knowledge and application of skills, processes, and methods used in industrial production or scientific research. Primarily, science and technology had tremendous influence on medicine. By helping improve our knowledge on the human body and condition, production of medicine, and medical devices. 

Recent technological advancement on AI Automation and Machine Learning, Wearable Technology, Nano Technology, and Process Automation will become critical tools for healthcare providers and organizations perform more effectively and efficiently. 

AI Automation And Machine Learning

Massive investments has led to a leap on advancements in artificial intelligence. The role of Artificial Intelligence is promising for the medical field. As a relatively new technology being pursued by big companies, automated AI learning software could help healthcare providers with  real-time data analytics, streamline tasks, research, and may help in reducing stress on physicians by handling menial tasks. 

Real-time data – AI technology can leverage immediate and precise data to expedite and optimize critical clinical decision-making. By processing fast and realistic results would help improve preventatives steps on critical decision and reduce patient waiting times. 

Reduces workload – From appointment-scheduling, insurance review, and faster payment services. AI software alleviates those time consuming tasks that are once done by a team of healthcare workers. 

Wearable Technology

For amputees and sensory deprived persons, using prosthetic limbs and sensory aids are an important aspect of their daily lives. However, traditional prostheses have limitations on its users which typically have limited articulation and are heavy which causes muscle pains at the residual limb. While, hearing aids has it own drawbacks such as, amplifying background noises and long adjustment period for its user. 

In this day and age,  emerging new wearable technologies would improve on their past limitations with advancements on artificial limbs and sensory aids. From consciously controlled limbs, bionic arms, to nerve detectors is a welcomed development by patients to make their lives easier to manage without the hindrances mentioned earlier. 

Nano Technology

Surgeries are an intricate operation especially if it involves vital organs of the body such as the brain, heart, nerves and veins. One simple mistake might cost a physician their license to practice or the worst case scenario, put a patients life in harms way. In this case, nano technology is a quantum leap on how we conduct surgeries, apply medicines, diagnose and treat diseases. 

Nanomedicine is the science and technology of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease and traumatic injury, of relieving pain, and of preserving and improving human health, using nanoscale structured materials, biotechnology, and genetic engineering, and eventually complex machine systems and nanorobots.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, technological innovations on Artificial intelligence, Wearable Technologies, and Nanomedicine would improve the lives of people and healthcare workers. By reliably implementing the changes brought about by science and technology. Our understanding of medicine today would change in the future.